
Published a dozen highly influential articles as first author, including Nature Communications, Molecular Biology and Evolution, elife, molecular ecology resource, cell proliferation, and genome biology and evolution. Co-authored in Nature climate change, Nature communication, Nuclear acid research, the ISME, Genome biology and Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics etc.


  1. RPA and Rad27 limit templated and inverted insertions at DNA breaks (Under review in Nucleic Acids Research)
    Yang Yu* , Xin Wang*, Jordan Fox , and 5 more authors
    bioRxiv, 2024
  2. MolecularCell.png
    2’-O-Methylation at internal sites on mRNA promotes mRNA stability
    Yanqiang Li* , Yang Yi* , Xinlei Gao , and 9 more authors
    Molecular Cell, 2024
  3. AJPRP.png
    Keratin 5 Basal Cells are Temporally Regulated Developmental and Tissue Repair Progenitors in Bladder Urothelium
    Brian Becknell , Mohammad El-Harakeh , Felipe Rodriguez-Tirado , and 5 more authors
    Am J Physiol Renal Physiol, 2024


  1. Yeast EndoG prevents genome instability by degrading cytoplasmic DNA (Under review in Nature Communications)
    Yang Yu* , Xin Wang*, Jordan Fox* , and 8 more authors
    bioRxiv, 2023
  2. Elife.png
    Transcriptional inhibition after irradiation occurs preferentially at highly expressed genes in a manner dependent on cell cycle progression
    Zulong Chen* , Xin Wang*, Xinlei Gao , and 3 more authors
    elife, 2023
  3. CellProliferation.png
    mt-Ty 5 tiRNA regulates skeletal muscle cell proliferation and differentiation
    Jun Cao* , Xin Wang*, Vivek Advani , and 8 more authors
    Cell proliferation, 2023
  4. NC_MECOM.png
    Epigenetic landscape reveals MECOM as an endothelial lineage regulator
    Jie Lv , Shu Meng , Qilin Gu , and 8 more authors
    nature communications, 2023


  1. Mutation of mutator genes marks immunotherapy efficacy
    Xin Wang, Dongyu Zhao , Yanqiang Li , and 4 more authors


  1. MBE.png
    The evolution of calcification in reef-building corals
    Xin Wang, Didier Zoccola , Yi Jin Liew , and 5 more authors
    Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2021
  2. GPB.png
    MACMIC reveals a dual role of CTCF in epigenetic regulation of cell identity genes
    Guangyu Wang , Bo Xia , Man Zhou , and 8 more authors
    Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics, 2021


  1. NCC.png
    Intergenerational epigenetic inheritance in reef-building corals
    Yi Jin Liew* , Emily J Howells* , Xin Wang, and 4 more authors
    Nature Climate Change, 2020
  2. NC_Bo.png
    Machine learning uncovers cell identity regulator by histone code
    Bo Xia , Dongyu Zhao , Guangyu Wang , and 8 more authors
    Nature communications, 2020
  3. GB_GuangYu.png
    TADsplimer reveals splits and mergers of topologically associating domains for epigenetic regulation of transcription
    Guangyu Wang , Qingshu Meng , Bo Xia , and 8 more authors
    Genome biology, 2020


  1. Isme.png
    Recent expansion of heat-activated retrotransposons in the coral symbiont Symbiodinium microadriaticum
    Jit Ern Chen , Guoxin Cui , Xin Wang, and 2 more authors
    The ISME journal, 2018
  2. MER_butterfish.png
    Draft genome of an iconic Red Sea reef fish, the blacktail butterflyfish (Chaetodon austriacus): current status and its characteristics
    Joseph D DiBattista , Xin Wang, Pablo Saenz-Agudelo , and 3 more authors
    Molecular ecology resources, 2018


  1. MER.png
    Draft genomes of the corallimorpharians Amplexidiscus fenestrafer and Discosoma sp.
    Xin Wang, Yi Jin Liew , Yong Li , and 3 more authors
    Molecular Ecology Resources, 2017
  2. GBE.png
    Genome-based analyses of six hexacorallian species reject the “naked coral” hypothesis
    Xin Wang, Guénola Drillon , Taewoo Ryu , and 2 more authors
    Genome biology and evolution, 2017
  3. Using a butterflyfish genome as a general tool for RAD-Seq studies in specialized reef fish
    Joseph D DiBattista , Pablo Saenz-Agudelo , Marek J Piatek , and 3 more authors
    Molecular ecology resources, 2017


  1. NAR_rice.png
    Information commons for rice (IC4R)
    IC4R Project Consortium
    Nucleic acids research, 2016


  1. MicroRNA profiles and potential regulatory pattern during the early stage of spermatogenesis in mice
    MengMeng Luo , LiLi Hao , Fen Hu , and 8 more authors
    Science China Life Sciences, 2015